Author: lokesh

  • The 10 Best Consulting Softwares

    In the corporate sphere , in recent years there have been many technological solutions that have come to simplify all our operations, with a large number of options that allow us to direct our resources with the aim of being able to optimize our performance to the maximum. In the specific sector of consulting , there are many softwares that are specially designed…

  • How to View Deleted WhatsApp Messages on iPhone

    WhatsApp is nowadays consolidated as one of the essential tools for doing business, because its simplicity, its multiple functionalities and the fact that it is free, make this instant messaging app an excellent option for managing clients or for communication internal to work teams. However, despite the enormous benefits that WhatsApp offers , it also sometimes generates inconveniences…

  • Ways to prevent email and bill fraud

    No modern company is exempt from suffering some type of administrative fraud, all are susceptible to scams, and, therefore, it is necessary to have an excellent computer system where all digitized documents are protected . Cybercrime is a topic that very little news about exists –especially because the victim companies feel ashamed or try to maintain status…

  • 10 Ideas to Increase Your Business Sales with Email Marketing

    Come on, make me a confession: Don’t you find yourself in a dilemma in front of your inbox every day? Every day we receive promotional campaigns, and there are busier days, others less, and many times a smile is drawn on your face when you see that pop-up window saying that you have a new email,…

  • How to carry out a good market study for entrepreneurs

    We live in a very competitive society and world where we increasingly need more and better tools to reach our goals and distinguish ourselves. Entrepreneurship is not easy at all and, at the time of doing it, many doubts and uncertainties arise about what is the path to follow so as not to fail. But of course, there…

  • 10 Questions to ask yourself before redesigning your website

    Redesigning your website is a very important decision, since it involves a large investment of time and money. To help you optimize resources to the maximum and clarify doubts, we leave you with these 10 questions that you should ask yourself before redesigning your website. Redesigning your website is not a decision that can be taken…

  • Main web usability trends that succeed

    Web usability tries to eliminate or improve the elements that generate confusion or frustration in the user. Some of the trends in usability are simplifying processes, increasing font size, and prioritizing what is essential. Usability can be defined as how easy it is for users to navigate and interact with a web page . In this sense, aspects such as the…

  • Most common mistakes for not having a digital marketing strategy

    The pandemic has made the use of the Internet and new technologies evolve for 5 years. A year that has become five; both for ordinary users and for companies (small, medium and large) that the pandemic has forced them to get on the digital transformation train. We have been talking for years about the benefits of creating a…

  • Legal aspects when sharing images on the Internet

    Have you ever wondered the consequences that the content you publish on your social networks can have? Currently, conflicts related to the publication or dissemination of certain content in digital media such as social networks, in which users feel completely free to express what they want at any time, are becoming more frequent. But freedom of expression…

  • Guide to making good use of your company page on LinkedIn

    Within LinkedIn there are 2 profiles: Professional and Company. Both are similar but each of them has its own characteristics and how to use it. We tell you how to configure and optimize your company profile within LinkedIn to get the most out of it. LinkedIn has established itself over the last decade as the largest professional…